199th class lottery: November 11, 2024 – April 22, 2025

Gaming terms

199th class lottery

These gaming terms apply to the 199th lottery (starting on 11 November 2024) and supersede all previous gaming terms. By participating in the class lottery, gaming participants accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

1. Legal basis

The legal basis for conducting the class lottery is the Austrian Gaming Act 1989 (Glücksspielgesetz 1989), Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended.

The federal government has the exclusive right to conduct the class lottery. In accordance with the licence granted to it, Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (with its registered office in Vienna, registered with the companies register of the Vienna Commercial Court under companies register no. 54472 g, hereinafter referred to as “the Company” for short) is authorised to conduct the class lottery.

The Company shall draw up gaming terms for conducting the class lottery which apply as amended from time to time. The gaming terms enter into effect as of the day following their publication in the digital official journal of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at). By purchasing a ticket, the gaming participant agrees to be bound by these terms.

2. Concept

The class lottery is a draw in which the game shares can win in several successive phases. The winners are determined by way of public draws.

3. Tickets

Tickets are numbered 1 to 250,000 and bear the name of the class, the facsimile signature of the Company’s executive directors and the name of the issuing agency. Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket number are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital for all six classes is € 225,000,000. The payout ratio is 54% of revenues.

5. Gaming contract, ticket price

5.1 The ticket price (class contribution) for each of the six classes is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket; it is payable no later than on the day preceding the first draw day of each class. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. This guarantees the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class.

5.2 If the ticket price is paid after the date specified above, the gaming participant acquires the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class as of the draw day following the date of payment, unless the relevant ticket number has already been rightfully resold.

5.3 The class lottery agencies assume no liability for any transfers not carried out properly.

5.4 Any person who purchases a ticket for any of the 2nd to 6th classes which was not held for the previous class (retrospective purchase of tickets) must pay the ticket price for all classes already played. A ticket purchased pursuant to item 5.4 entitles its holder to claim prizes as of the draw day following the date of payment. The purchaser is not entitled to any previous prizes won by that ticket.

5.5 All tickets continuously participate in the game and can win multiple times on each draw day, except for the four lowest winning categories on 18 November, 16 December 2024, 13 January, 10 February, 10 March and 7 April 2025. On 22 April 2025, all tickets can win multiple times. On all other draw days, all tickets except for those of the lowest winning category can win multiple times.

5.6 Tickets must not be sold above or below the stipulated price.

5.7 Credited amounts from previous winnings that are insufficient to pay for all tickets played (purchased) are credited for the next class against the ticket price of the relevant winning tickets, and then in ascending numerical order against the ticket price of the remaining tenths of tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. This also applies to full tickets and half tickets consisting of 10 and 5 tenths of a ticket, respectively. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account. All other credited amounts that are insufficient to pay for all tenths of tickets played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5.8 If the Company provides gaming participants with free tickets for the class lottery or any add-on classes to mark a special occasion, the prize awarded by the Company is limited to the proportion of the prize money attributable to such free tickets.

Any free tickets provided are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

6. Ticket sales, class lottery agencies

6.1 Tickets are sold by the class lottery agencies and their contractual partners (class lottery ticket offices).

6.2 A flat rate fee of € 3 per class is payable for the prize schedule, the lists of winners and the delivery thereof, including the delivery of tickets and safekeeping certificates. Any other expenses caused by the gaming participant are charged separately.

6.3 Tickets can be placed in safekeeping free of charge against issuance of a safekeeping certificate.

7. Right to a ticket with the same number

7.1 If possible, the class lottery agencies will offer their customers the same ticket numbers (regular tickets) for the next lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated a particular ticket number for the next lottery.

7.2 Tickets for the 6th class may only be issued after the ticket prices of all classes have been fully paid. Any arrears of expenses must also be paid by that time.

7.3 Tickets paid in due time pursuant to item 5 of the gaming terms entitle the gaming participant to a ticket with the same number for the next class. Any tickets not paid in due time may be sold to new participants entering the lottery.

7.4 If the rightfully requested ticket cannot be provided, the gaming participant is entitled to twice the number of ticket shares with different numbers or to the retrospective purchase price of the ticket shares concerned. No other claims for damages may be made.

8. Draws

8.1 All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule at 9 a.m. in the drawing room of Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austrian Lotteries), Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The time and place of the final draw are announced no later than one day before the start of the 6th class in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at).

8.2 All prizes are drawn by an electronic random number generator. Winning categories where 250 or more prizes are drawn are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers. All prizes not determined by drawing a three-digit end number are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. All prizes (except in the final draw) are drawn in descending order of value.

8.3 The million-euro prizes in the final draw are determined in ascending order of value by drawing six-digit ticket numbers.

8.4 The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance. The notary public has the final say as to whether or not a draw is valid without recourse to legal action against such a decision. The results of the draw are published by the Company in an appropriate manner.

9. Lists of winners

A list of winners is published at the end of each class and sent to all customers by post or email. The list can also be purchased (€ 0.20 for each of the 1st to 5th classes and € 0.40 for the 6th class) or inspected at any class lottery agency.

10. Prize payout

10.1 All prizes advertised in the prize schedule are amounts in euros. All prizes, except for those won in the Gold Class, are paid out free of income tax by the agency from which the ticket was purchased against presentation of the winning tickets or safekeeping certificates provided to the gaming participant.

10.2 If payout is requested by post or through a bank, such payout is made at the risk and expense of the winner. The payout attributable to partial tickets is based on the proportion represented by the contribution made.

10.3 Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. There is no obligation to verify whether the person presenting the ID is actually entitled to claim the prize. However, payout may be withheld if there are any doubts about the person’s right to dispose of the prize. No payouts are made on tickets whose number or authenticity cannot be reliably determined; such tickets are treated in the same way as lost tickets (see item 12).

11. Payout period

11.1 The prizes won in the relevant classes are payable from the second working day following the respective draw.

11.2 Any prizes not claimed by participants within three years of the last draw day of the relevant class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws. The method for calculating the period within which such funds are to be applied for the benefit of the participants and the amount of the funds to be allocated must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The use of such funds in accordance with their dedicated purpose is subject to annual review by an auditor. All unclaimed prizes must be used in accordance with their dedicated purpose within three years of having accrued.

12. Procedure in the event of the loss of a ticket

12.1 Gaming participants are required to notify the class lottery agency in writing without undue delay, but in any event before the end of the payout period, of any loss of tickets or safekeeping certificates. Doing so will preserve their right to a ticket with the same number and payout of the prize, unless the relevant ticket number for the next class or the prize, as the case may be, has already been surrendered to a person presenting the corresponding ticket before the loss was reported.

12.2 Any prizes won by a lost ticket are only paid out against presentation of a receipt signed by the person who reported the loss within the payout period. Legalisation of the signature on the receipt may be required.

13. Liability

13.1 The Company is not liable for any actions or omissions not provided for in, or contrary to these gaming terms committed by the class lottery agencies or their class lottery ticket offices or any entities contracted by them. This also applies to any liability for damage caused by criminal offences committed by third parties, force majeure or any other reasons for which the Company is not responsible.

13.2 The class lottery agencies and their class lottery ticket offices are only liable in the event of wilful intent and gross negligence.

13.3 Any complaints against the class lottery agencies must be addressed to the Company.

14. Final provisions

14.1 The Company and the class lottery agencies along with their class lottery ticket offices are bound to maintain game secrecy; in particular, the name of a gaming participant may only be disclosed with the gaming participant’s express consent.

14.2 The place of performance and the place of jurisdiction in the event of legal disputes is Vienna. Austrian law applies.

15. State regulation

Pursuant to section 19 of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, the class lottery is subject to state supervision.

199th class lottery – Super Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Super Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Super Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where € 100,000 is drawn daily from 11 November 2024 to 20 April 2025 and 7 x € 100,000 are drawn on 22 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Super Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Super Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Super Class is € 30,000,000. The payout ratio is 56% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Super Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery and who have paid the ticket price for the Super Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Super Class is € 120 for a full ticket, and thus € 60 for a half ticket and € 12 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 10 November 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in all draws of the Super Class. If the ticket price for the Super Class is paid after that date, but no later than on 30 March 2025, the gaming participant – provided that the ticket price for the corresponding class lottery ticket has also been paid – is eligible to play and win prizes as of the next Monday draw day (exception: if the ticket is bought between 30 December 2024 and 6 January 2025, the participant is eligible to play and win prizes as of the draw held on 7 January 2025). There is no right to claim any previous prizes already won by that ticket number in the Super Class. The Super Class is no longer open to new participants after 30 March 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Super Class and can win multiple times.

4.4 Transfers and payments that are insufficient to pay for all Super Class tickets or ticket shares played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets or ticket shares ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public after the Monday draws of the 199th class lottery for a calendar week in advance (exception: the prize of 6 January 2025 is drawn on 30 December 2024). All prizes are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. The drawing procedure is governed by the drawing rules of the class lottery as made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Lists of winners

All prizes won in the Super Class are published at the end of each class together with the list of winners of the relevant class.

7. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Super Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

199th class lottery – Gold Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Gold Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Gold Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where 10 times gold worth € 100,000, 45 times gold worth € 50,000, and 2,000 times gold worth € 1,500 are drawn on each of 17 February 2025 and 22 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Gold Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Gold Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Gold Class is € 25,000,000. The payout ratio is 50% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Gold Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 4th classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Gold Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Gold Class is € 100 for a full ticket, and thus € 50 for a half ticket and € 10 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 16 February 2025, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Gold Class. The Gold Class is no longer open to new participants after 16 February 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Gold Class and can win a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 100,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 or a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 50,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 199th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Gold Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes of gold worth € 100,000 and gold worth € 50,000 are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes of gold worth € 1,500 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes are paid out, at the winner’s option, in gold or in cash. Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. When claiming prizes in gold, the gaming participant receives, depending on the amount of the prize won, gold prizes in the form of 1 kg gold bars, 100 g gold bars, 1 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins or 1/25 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins; the conversion rate used for the prize payout always corresponds to that of the highest gold prize that can be purchased. Any remaining portions of the prize that cannot be paid in the form of the stipulated gold prizes will be paid out to the gaming participant in cash or credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

The conversion rate is the sale price of the gold prize won as officially published by the Austrian Mint on the relevant draw day immediately before the start of the draw. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 4th class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Gold Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

199th class lottery – Luxury Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Luxury Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Luxury Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where 3 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 80,000 times € 150 are drawn on 20 January 2025 and 7 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 30,000 times € 150 are drawn on 14 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Luxury Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Luxury Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Luxury Class is € 37,500,000. The payout ratio is 47.2% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Luxury Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 3rd classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Luxury Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Luxury Class is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 19 January 2025, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Luxury Class. The Luxury Class is no longer open to new participants after 19 January 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Luxury Class and can win a maximum of 1 x € 10,000 a month for a year and 1 x € 150 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 199th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Luxury Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes worth € 10,000 a month for a year are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes worth € 150 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. The first partial payout of € 10,000 of the prize worth € 10,000 a month for a year is made on the second working day following the relevant draw day. The other eleven partial payouts of € 10,000 each are made on the second working day following the first working day of a month that falls on a Monday, starting with the month following the draw date. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 3rd class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Luxury Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery

These gaming terms apply to the 198th lottery (starting on 13 May 2024) and supersede all previous gaming terms. By participating in the class lottery, gaming participants accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

1. Legal basis

The legal basis for conducting the class lottery is the Austrian Gaming Act 1989 (Glücksspielgesetz 1989), Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended.

The federal government has the exclusive right to conduct the class lottery. In accordance with the licence granted to it, Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (with its registered office in Vienna, registered with the companies register of the Vienna Commercial Court under companies register no. 54472 g, hereinafter referred to as “the Company” for short) is authorised to conduct the class lottery.

The Company shall draw up gaming terms for conducting the class lottery which apply as amended from time to time. The gaming terms enter into effect as of the day following their publication in the digital official journal of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at). By purchasing a ticket, the gaming participant agrees to be bound by these terms.

2. Concept

The class lottery is a draw in which the game shares can win in several successive phases. The winners are determined by way of public draws.

3. Tickets

Tickets are numbered 1 to 250,000 and bear the name of the class, the facsimile signature of the Company’s executive directors and the name of the issuing agency. Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket number are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital for all six classes is € 225,000,000. The payout ratio is 54% of revenues.

5. Gaming contract, ticket price

5.1 The ticket price (class contribution) for each of the six classes is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket; it is payable no later than on the day preceding the first draw day of each class. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. This guarantees the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class.

5.2 If the ticket price is paid after the date specified above, the gaming participant acquires the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class as of the draw day following the date of payment, unless the relevant ticket number has already been rightfully resold.

5.3 The class lottery agencies assume no liability for any transfers not carried out properly.

5.4 Any person who purchases a ticket for any of the 2nd to 6th classes which was not held for the previous class (retrospective purchase of tickets) must pay the ticket price for all classes already played. A ticket purchased pursuant to item 5.4 entitles its holder to claim prizes as of the draw day following the date of payment. The purchaser is not entitled to any previous prizes won by that ticket.

5.5 All tickets continuously participate in the game and can win multiple times on each draw day, except for the four lowest winning categories on 21 May, 17 June, 15 July, 12 August, 9 September and 7 October 2024. On 21 October 2024, all tickets can win multiple times. On all other draw days, all tickets except for those of the lowest winning category can win multiple times.

5.6 Tickets must not be sold above or below the stipulated price.

5.7 Credited amounts from previous winnings that are insufficient to pay for all tickets played (purchased) are credited for the next class against the ticket price of the relevant winning tickets, and then in ascending numerical order against the ticket price of the remaining tenths of tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. This also applies to full tickets and half tickets consisting of 10 and 5 tenths of a ticket, respectively. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account. All other credited amounts that are insufficient to pay for all tenths of tickets played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5.8 If the Company provides gaming participants with free tickets for the class lottery or any add-on classes to mark a special occasion, the prize awarded by the Company is limited to the proportion of the prize money attributable to such free tickets.

Any free tickets provided are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

6. Ticket sales, class lottery agencies

6.1 Tickets are sold by the class lottery agencies and their contractual partners (class lottery ticket offices).

6.2 A flat rate fee of € 3 per class is payable for the prize schedule, the lists of winners and the delivery thereof, including the delivery of tickets and safekeeping certificates. Any other expenses caused by the gaming participant are charged separately.

6.3 Tickets can be placed in safekeeping free of charge against issuance of a safekeeping certificate.

7. Right to a ticket with the same number

7.1 If possible, the class lottery agencies will offer their customers the same ticket numbers (regular tickets) for the next lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated a particular ticket number for the next lottery.

7.2 Tickets for the 6th class may only be issued after the ticket prices of all classes have been fully paid. Any arrears of expenses must also be paid by that time.

7.3 Tickets paid in due time pursuant to item 5 of the gaming terms entitle the gaming participant to a ticket with the same number for the next class. Any tickets not paid in due time may be sold to new participants entering the lottery.

7.4 If the rightfully requested ticket cannot be provided, the gaming participant is entitled to twice the number of ticket shares with different numbers or to the retrospective purchase price of the ticket shares concerned. No other claims for damages may be made.

8. Draws

8.1 All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule at 9 a.m. in the drawing room of Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austrian Lotteries), Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The time and place of the final draw are announced no later than one day before the start of the 6th class in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at).

8.2 All prizes are drawn by an electronic random number generator. Winning categories where 250 or more prizes are drawn are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers. All prizes not determined by drawing a three-digit end number are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. All prizes (except in the final draw) are drawn in descending order of value.

8.3 The million-euro prizes in the final draw are determined in ascending order of value by drawing six-digit ticket numbers.

8.4 The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance. The notary public has the final say as to whether or not a draw is valid without recourse to legal action against such a decision. The results of the draw are published by the Company in an appropriate manner.

9. Lists of winners

A list of winners is published at the end of each class and sent to all customers by post or email. The list can also be purchased (€ 0.20 for each of the 1st to 5th classes and € 0.40 for the 6th class) or inspected at any class lottery agency.

10. Prize payout

10.1 All prizes advertised in the prize schedule are amounts in euros. All prizes, except for those won in the Gold Class, are paid out free of income tax by the agency from which the ticket was purchased against presentation of the winning tickets or safekeeping certificates provided to the gaming participant.

10.2 If payout is requested by post or through a bank, such payout is made at the risk and expense of the winner. The payout attributable to partial tickets is based on the proportion represented by the contribution made.

10.3 Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. There is no obligation to verify whether the person presenting the ID is actually entitled to claim the prize. However, payout may be withheld if there are any doubts about the person’s right to dispose of the prize. No payouts are made on tickets whose number or authenticity cannot be reliably determined; such tickets are treated in the same way as lost tickets (see item 12).

11. Payout period

11.1 The prizes won in the relevant classes are payable from the second working day following the respective draw.

11.2 Any prizes not claimed by participants within three years of the last draw day of the relevant class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws. The method for calculating the period within which such funds are to be applied for the benefit of the participants and the amount of the funds to be allocated must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The use of such funds in accordance with their dedicated purpose is subject to annual review by an auditor. All unclaimed prizes must be used in accordance with their dedicated purpose within three years of having accrued.

12. Procedure in the event of the loss of a ticket

12.1 Gaming participants are required to notify the class lottery agency in writing without undue delay, but in any event before the end of the payout period, of any loss of tickets or safekeeping certificates. Doing so will preserve their right to a ticket with the same number and payout of the prize, unless the relevant ticket number for the next class or the prize, as the case may be, has already been surrendered to a person presenting the corresponding ticket before the loss was reported.

12.2 Any prizes won by a lost ticket are only paid out against presentation of a receipt signed by the person who reported the loss within the payout period. Legalisation of the signature on the receipt may be required.

13. Liability

13.1 The Company is not liable for any actions or omissions not provided for in, or contrary to these gaming terms committed by the class lottery agencies or their class lottery ticket offices or any entities contracted by them. This also applies to any liability for damage caused by criminal offences committed by third parties, force majeure or any other reasons for which the Company is not responsible.

13.2 The class lottery agencies and their class lottery ticket offices are only liable in the event of wilful intent and gross negligence.

13.3 Any complaints against the class lottery agencies must be addressed to the Company.

14. Final provisions

14.1 The Company and the class lottery agencies along with their class lottery ticket offices are bound to maintain game secrecy; in particular, the name of a gaming participant may only be disclosed with the gaming participant’s express consent.

14.2 The place of performance and the place of jurisdiction in the event of legal disputes is Vienna. Austrian law applies.

15. State regulation

Pursuant to section 19 of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, the class lottery is subject to state supervision.

198th class lottery – Super Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Super Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Super Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where € 100,000 is drawn daily from 13 May 2024 to 20 October 2024 and 7 x € 100,000 are drawn on 21 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Super Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 198th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Super Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Super Class is € 30,000,000. The payout ratio is 56% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Super Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery and who have paid the ticket price for the Super Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Super Class is € 120 for a full ticket, and thus € 60 for a half ticket and € 12 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 12 May 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in all draws of the Super Class. If the ticket price for the Super Class is paid after that date, but no later than on 29 September 2024, the gaming participant – provided that the ticket price for the corresponding class lottery ticket has also been paid – is eligible to play and win prizes as of the next Monday draw day (exception: if the ticket is bought between 13 May and 20 May 2024, the participant is eligible to play and win prizes as of the draw held on 21 May 2024). There is no right to claim any previous prizes already won by that ticket number in the Super Class. The Super Class is no longer open to new participants after 29 September 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Super Class and can win multiple times.

4.4 Transfers and payments that are insufficient to pay for all Super Class tickets or ticket shares played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets or ticket shares ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public after the Monday draws of the 198th class lottery for a calendar week in advance (exception: the prize of 20 May 2024 is drawn on 13 May 2024). All prizes are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. The drawing procedure is governed by the drawing rules of the class lottery as made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Lists of winners

All prizes won in the Super Class are published at the end of each class together with the list of winners of the relevant class.

7. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Super Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery – Gold Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Gold Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Gold Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where 10 times gold worth € 100,000, 45 times gold worth € 50,000, and 2,000 times gold worth € 1,500 are drawn on each of 19 August 2024 and 21 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Gold Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 196th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Gold Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Gold Class is € 25,000,000. The payout ratio is 50% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Gold Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 4th classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Gold Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Gold Class is € 100 for a full ticket, and thus € 50 for a half ticket and € 10 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 18 August 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Gold Class. The Gold Class is no longer open to new participants after 18 August 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Gold Class and can win a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 100,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 or a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 50,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 196th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Gold Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes of gold worth € 100,000 and gold worth € 50,000 are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes of gold worth € 1,500 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes are paid out, at the winner’s option, in gold or in cash. Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. When claiming prizes in gold, the gaming participant receives, depending on the amount of the prize won, gold prizes in the form of 1 kg gold bars, 100 g gold bars, 1 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins or 1/25 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins; the conversion rate used for the prize payout always corresponds to that of the highest gold prize that can be purchased. Any remaining portions of the prize that cannot be paid in the form of the stipulated gold prizes will be paid out to the gaming participant in cash or credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

The conversion rate is the sale price of the gold prize won as officially published by the Austrian Mint on the relevant draw day immediately before the start of the draw. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 4th class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Gold Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery – Luxury Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Luxury Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Luxury Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where 3 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 80,000 times € 150 are drawn on 22 July 2024 and 7 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 30,000 times € 150 are drawn on 14 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Luxury Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 198th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Luxury Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Luxury Class is € 37,500,000. The payout ratio is 47.2% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Luxury Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 3rd classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Luxury Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Luxury Class is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 21 July 2023, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Luxury Class. The Luxury Class is no longer open to new participants after 21 July 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Luxury Class and can win a maximum of 1 x € 10,000 a month for a year and 1 x € 150 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 198th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Luxury Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes worth € 10,000 a month for a year are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes worth € 150 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. The first partial payout of € 10,000 of the prize worth € 10,000 a month for a year is made on the second working day following the relevant draw day. The other eleven partial payouts of € 10,000 each are made on the second working day following the first working day of a month that falls on a Monday, starting with the month following the draw date. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 3rd class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Luxury Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

199th class lottery

These gaming terms apply to the 199th lottery (starting on 11 November 2024) and supersede all previous gaming terms. By participating in the class lottery, gaming participants accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

1. Legal basis

The legal basis for conducting the class lottery is the Austrian Gaming Act 1989 (Glücksspielgesetz 1989), Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended.

The federal government has the exclusive right to conduct the class lottery. In accordance with the licence granted to it, Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (with its registered office in Vienna, registered with the companies register of the Vienna Commercial Court under companies register no. 54472 g, hereinafter referred to as “the Company” for short) is authorised to conduct the class lottery.

The Company shall draw up gaming terms for conducting the class lottery which apply as amended from time to time. The gaming terms enter into effect as of the day following their publication in the digital official journal of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at). By purchasing a ticket, the gaming participant agrees to be bound by these terms.

2. Concept

The class lottery is a draw in which the game shares can win in several successive phases. The winners are determined by way of public draws.

3. Tickets

Tickets are numbered 1 to 250,000 and bear the name of the class, the facsimile signature of the Company’s executive directors and the name of the issuing agency. Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket number are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital for all six classes is € 225,000,000. The payout ratio is 54% of revenues.

5. Gaming contract, ticket price

5.1 The ticket price (class contribution) for each of the six classes is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket; it is payable no later than on the day preceding the first draw day of each class. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. This guarantees the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class.

5.2 If the ticket price is paid after the date specified above, the gaming participant acquires the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class as of the draw day following the date of payment, unless the relevant ticket number has already been rightfully resold.

5.3 The class lottery agencies assume no liability for any transfers not carried out properly.

5.4 Any person who purchases a ticket for any of the 2nd to 6th classes which was not held for the previous class (retrospective purchase of tickets) must pay the ticket price for all classes already played. A ticket purchased pursuant to item 5.4 entitles its holder to claim prizes as of the draw day following the date of payment. The purchaser is not entitled to any previous prizes won by that ticket.

5.5 All tickets continuously participate in the game and can win multiple times on each draw day, except for the four lowest winning categories on 18 November, 16 December 2024, 13 January, 10 February, 10 March and 7 April 2025. On 22 April 2025, all tickets can win multiple times. On all other draw days, all tickets except for those of the lowest winning category can win multiple times.

5.6 Tickets must not be sold above or below the stipulated price.

5.7 Credited amounts from previous winnings that are insufficient to pay for all tickets played (purchased) are credited for the next class against the ticket price of the relevant winning tickets, and then in ascending numerical order against the ticket price of the remaining tenths of tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. This also applies to full tickets and half tickets consisting of 10 and 5 tenths of a ticket, respectively. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account. All other credited amounts that are insufficient to pay for all tenths of tickets played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5.8 If the Company provides gaming participants with free tickets for the class lottery or any add-on classes to mark a special occasion, the prize awarded by the Company is limited to the proportion of the prize money attributable to such free tickets.

Any free tickets provided are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

6. Ticket sales, class lottery agencies

6.1 Tickets are sold by the class lottery agencies and their contractual partners (class lottery ticket offices).

6.2 A flat rate fee of € 3 per class is payable for the prize schedule, the lists of winners and the delivery thereof, including the delivery of tickets and safekeeping certificates. Any other expenses caused by the gaming participant are charged separately.

6.3 Tickets can be placed in safekeeping free of charge against issuance of a safekeeping certificate.

7. Right to a ticket with the same number

7.1 If possible, the class lottery agencies will offer their customers the same ticket numbers (regular tickets) for the next lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated a particular ticket number for the next lottery.

7.2 Tickets for the 6th class may only be issued after the ticket prices of all classes have been fully paid. Any arrears of expenses must also be paid by that time.

7.3 Tickets paid in due time pursuant to item 5 of the gaming terms entitle the gaming participant to a ticket with the same number for the next class. Any tickets not paid in due time may be sold to new participants entering the lottery.

7.4 If the rightfully requested ticket cannot be provided, the gaming participant is entitled to twice the number of ticket shares with different numbers or to the retrospective purchase price of the ticket shares concerned. No other claims for damages may be made.

8. Draws

8.1 All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule at 9 a.m. in the drawing room of Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austrian Lotteries), Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The time and place of the final draw are announced no later than one day before the start of the 6th class in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at).

8.2 All prizes are drawn by an electronic random number generator. Winning categories where 250 or more prizes are drawn are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers. All prizes not determined by drawing a three-digit end number are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. All prizes (except in the final draw) are drawn in descending order of value.

8.3 The million-euro prizes in the final draw are determined in ascending order of value by drawing six-digit ticket numbers.

8.4 The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance. The notary public has the final say as to whether or not a draw is valid without recourse to legal action against such a decision. The results of the draw are published by the Company in an appropriate manner.

9. Lists of winners

A list of winners is published at the end of each class and sent to all customers by post or email. The list can also be purchased (€ 0.20 for each of the 1st to 5th classes and € 0.40 for the 6th class) or inspected at any class lottery agency.

10. Prize payout

10.1 All prizes advertised in the prize schedule are amounts in euros. All prizes, except for those won in the Gold Class, are paid out free of income tax by the agency from which the ticket was purchased against presentation of the winning tickets or safekeeping certificates provided to the gaming participant.

10.2 If payout is requested by post or through a bank, such payout is made at the risk and expense of the winner. The payout attributable to partial tickets is based on the proportion represented by the contribution made.

10.3 Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. There is no obligation to verify whether the person presenting the ID is actually entitled to claim the prize. However, payout may be withheld if there are any doubts about the person’s right to dispose of the prize. No payouts are made on tickets whose number or authenticity cannot be reliably determined; such tickets are treated in the same way as lost tickets (see item 12).

11. Payout period

11.1 The prizes won in the relevant classes are payable from the second working day following the respective draw.

11.2 Any prizes not claimed by participants within three years of the last draw day of the relevant class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws. The method for calculating the period within which such funds are to be applied for the benefit of the participants and the amount of the funds to be allocated must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The use of such funds in accordance with their dedicated purpose is subject to annual review by an auditor. All unclaimed prizes must be used in accordance with their dedicated purpose within three years of having accrued.

12. Procedure in the event of the loss of a ticket

12.1 Gaming participants are required to notify the class lottery agency in writing without undue delay, but in any event before the end of the payout period, of any loss of tickets or safekeeping certificates. Doing so will preserve their right to a ticket with the same number and payout of the prize, unless the relevant ticket number for the next class or the prize, as the case may be, has already been surrendered to a person presenting the corresponding ticket before the loss was reported.

12.2 Any prizes won by a lost ticket are only paid out against presentation of a receipt signed by the person who reported the loss within the payout period. Legalisation of the signature on the receipt may be required.

13. Liability

13.1 The Company is not liable for any actions or omissions not provided for in, or contrary to these gaming terms committed by the class lottery agencies or their class lottery ticket offices or any entities contracted by them. This also applies to any liability for damage caused by criminal offences committed by third parties, force majeure or any other reasons for which the Company is not responsible.

13.2 The class lottery agencies and their class lottery ticket offices are only liable in the event of wilful intent and gross negligence.

13.3 Any complaints against the class lottery agencies must be addressed to the Company.

14. Final provisions

14.1 The Company and the class lottery agencies along with their class lottery ticket offices are bound to maintain game secrecy; in particular, the name of a gaming participant may only be disclosed with the gaming participant’s express consent.

14.2 The place of performance and the place of jurisdiction in the event of legal disputes is Vienna. Austrian law applies.

15. State regulation

Pursuant to section 19 of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, the class lottery is subject to state supervision.

199th class lottery – Super Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Super Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Super Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where € 100,000 is drawn daily from 11 November 2024 to 20 April 2025 and 7 x € 100,000 are drawn on 22 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Super Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Super Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Super Class is € 30,000,000. The payout ratio is 56% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Super Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery and who have paid the ticket price for the Super Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Super Class is € 120 for a full ticket, and thus € 60 for a half ticket and € 12 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 10 November 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in all draws of the Super Class. If the ticket price for the Super Class is paid after that date, but no later than on 30 March 2025, the gaming participant – provided that the ticket price for the corresponding class lottery ticket has also been paid – is eligible to play and win prizes as of the next Monday draw day (exception: if the ticket is bought between 30 December 2024 and 6 January 2025, the participant is eligible to play and win prizes as of the draw held on 7 January 2025). There is no right to claim any previous prizes already won by that ticket number in the Super Class. The Super Class is no longer open to new participants after 30 March 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Super Class and can win multiple times.

4.4 Transfers and payments that are insufficient to pay for all Super Class tickets or ticket shares played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets or ticket shares ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public after the Monday draws of the 199th class lottery for a calendar week in advance (exception: the prize of 6 January 2025 is drawn on 30 December 2024). All prizes are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. The drawing procedure is governed by the drawing rules of the class lottery as made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Lists of winners

All prizes won in the Super Class are published at the end of each class together with the list of winners of the relevant class.

7. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Super Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

199th class lottery – Gold Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Gold Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Gold Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where 10 times gold worth € 100,000, 45 times gold worth € 50,000, and 2,000 times gold worth € 1,500 are drawn on each of 17 February 2025 and 22 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Gold Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Gold Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Gold Class is € 25,000,000. The payout ratio is 50% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Gold Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 4th classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Gold Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Gold Class is € 100 for a full ticket, and thus € 50 for a half ticket and € 10 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 16 February 2025, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Gold Class. The Gold Class is no longer open to new participants after 16 February 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Gold Class and can win a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 100,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 or a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 50,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 199th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Gold Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes of gold worth € 100,000 and gold worth € 50,000 are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes of gold worth € 1,500 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes are paid out, at the winner’s option, in gold or in cash. Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. When claiming prizes in gold, the gaming participant receives, depending on the amount of the prize won, gold prizes in the form of 1 kg gold bars, 100 g gold bars, 1 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins or 1/25 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins; the conversion rate used for the prize payout always corresponds to that of the highest gold prize that can be purchased. Any remaining portions of the prize that cannot be paid in the form of the stipulated gold prizes will be paid out to the gaming participant in cash or credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

The conversion rate is the sale price of the gold prize won as officially published by the Austrian Mint on the relevant draw day immediately before the start of the draw. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 4th class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Gold Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

199th class lottery – Luxury Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Luxury Class, the gaming terms for the 199th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Luxury Class is an add-on class to the 199th class lottery where 3 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 80,000 times € 150 are drawn on 20 January 2025 and 7 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 30,000 times € 150 are drawn on 14 April 2025.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 199th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Luxury Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 199th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Luxury Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Luxury Class is € 37,500,000. The payout ratio is 47.2% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Luxury Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 199th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 3rd classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Luxury Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Luxury Class is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 19 January 2025, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Luxury Class. The Luxury Class is no longer open to new participants after 19 January 2025. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Luxury Class and can win a maximum of 1 x € 10,000 a month for a year and 1 x € 150 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 199th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Luxury Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes worth € 10,000 a month for a year are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes worth € 150 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. The first partial payout of € 10,000 of the prize worth € 10,000 a month for a year is made on the second working day following the relevant draw day. The other eleven partial payouts of € 10,000 each are made on the second working day following the first working day of a month that falls on a Monday, starting with the month following the draw date. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 3rd class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Luxury Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery

These gaming terms apply to the 198th lottery (starting on 13 May 2024) and supersede all previous gaming terms. By participating in the class lottery, gaming participants accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions.

1. Legal basis

The legal basis for conducting the class lottery is the Austrian Gaming Act 1989 (Glücksspielgesetz 1989), Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended.

The federal government has the exclusive right to conduct the class lottery. In accordance with the licence granted to it, Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (with its registered office in Vienna, registered with the companies register of the Vienna Commercial Court under companies register no. 54472 g, hereinafter referred to as “the Company” for short) is authorised to conduct the class lottery.

The Company shall draw up gaming terms for conducting the class lottery which apply as amended from time to time. The gaming terms enter into effect as of the day following their publication in the digital official journal of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at). By purchasing a ticket, the gaming participant agrees to be bound by these terms.

2. Concept

The class lottery is a draw in which the game shares can win in several successive phases. The winners are determined by way of public draws.

3. Tickets

Tickets are numbered 1 to 250,000 and bear the name of the class, the facsimile signature of the Company’s executive directors and the name of the issuing agency. Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket number are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

4. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital for all six classes is € 225,000,000. The payout ratio is 54% of revenues.

5. Gaming contract, ticket price

5.1 The ticket price (class contribution) for each of the six classes is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket; it is payable no later than on the day preceding the first draw day of each class. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. This guarantees the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class.

5.2 If the ticket price is paid after the date specified above, the gaming participant acquires the right to claim prizes and purchase a ticket with the same number for the next class as of the draw day following the date of payment, unless the relevant ticket number has already been rightfully resold.

5.3 The class lottery agencies assume no liability for any transfers not carried out properly.

5.4 Any person who purchases a ticket for any of the 2nd to 6th classes which was not held for the previous class (retrospective purchase of tickets) must pay the ticket price for all classes already played. A ticket purchased pursuant to item 5.4 entitles its holder to claim prizes as of the draw day following the date of payment. The purchaser is not entitled to any previous prizes won by that ticket.

5.5 All tickets continuously participate in the game and can win multiple times on each draw day, except for the four lowest winning categories on 21 May, 17 June, 15 July, 12 August, 9 September and 7 October 2024. On 21 October 2024, all tickets can win multiple times. On all other draw days, all tickets except for those of the lowest winning category can win multiple times.

5.6 Tickets must not be sold above or below the stipulated price.

5.7 Credited amounts from previous winnings that are insufficient to pay for all tickets played (purchased) are credited for the next class against the ticket price of the relevant winning tickets, and then in ascending numerical order against the ticket price of the remaining tenths of tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. This also applies to full tickets and half tickets consisting of 10 and 5 tenths of a ticket, respectively. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account. All other credited amounts that are insufficient to pay for all tenths of tickets played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket number. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5.8 If the Company provides gaming participants with free tickets for the class lottery or any add-on classes to mark a special occasion, the prize awarded by the Company is limited to the proportion of the prize money attributable to such free tickets.

Any free tickets provided are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

6. Ticket sales, class lottery agencies

6.1 Tickets are sold by the class lottery agencies and their contractual partners (class lottery ticket offices).

6.2 A flat rate fee of € 3 per class is payable for the prize schedule, the lists of winners and the delivery thereof, including the delivery of tickets and safekeeping certificates. Any other expenses caused by the gaming participant are charged separately.

6.3 Tickets can be placed in safekeeping free of charge against issuance of a safekeeping certificate.

7. Right to a ticket with the same number

7.1 If possible, the class lottery agencies will offer their customers the same ticket numbers (regular tickets) for the next lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated a particular ticket number for the next lottery.

7.2 Tickets for the 6th class may only be issued after the ticket prices of all classes have been fully paid. Any arrears of expenses must also be paid by that time.

7.3 Tickets paid in due time pursuant to item 5 of the gaming terms entitle the gaming participant to a ticket with the same number for the next class. Any tickets not paid in due time may be sold to new participants entering the lottery.

7.4 If the rightfully requested ticket cannot be provided, the gaming participant is entitled to twice the number of ticket shares with different numbers or to the retrospective purchase price of the ticket shares concerned. No other claims for damages may be made.

8. Draws

8.1 All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule at 9 a.m. in the drawing room of Österreichische Lotterien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austrian Lotteries), Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The time and place of the final draw are announced no later than one day before the start of the 6th class in the digital official gazette of the Republic of Austria (www.evi.gv.at).

8.2 All prizes are drawn by an electronic random number generator. Winning categories where 250 or more prizes are drawn are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers. All prizes not determined by drawing a three-digit end number are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. All prizes (except in the final draw) are drawn in descending order of value.

8.3 The million-euro prizes in the final draw are determined in ascending order of value by drawing six-digit ticket numbers.

8.4 The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance. The notary public has the final say as to whether or not a draw is valid without recourse to legal action against such a decision. The results of the draw are published by the Company in an appropriate manner.

9. Lists of winners

A list of winners is published at the end of each class and sent to all customers by post or email. The list can also be purchased (€ 0.20 for each of the 1st to 5th classes and € 0.40 for the 6th class) or inspected at any class lottery agency.

10. Prize payout

10.1 All prizes advertised in the prize schedule are amounts in euros. All prizes, except for those won in the Gold Class, are paid out free of income tax by the agency from which the ticket was purchased against presentation of the winning tickets or safekeeping certificates provided to the gaming participant.

10.2 If payout is requested by post or through a bank, such payout is made at the risk and expense of the winner. The payout attributable to partial tickets is based on the proportion represented by the contribution made.

10.3 Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. There is no obligation to verify whether the person presenting the ID is actually entitled to claim the prize. However, payout may be withheld if there are any doubts about the person’s right to dispose of the prize. No payouts are made on tickets whose number or authenticity cannot be reliably determined; such tickets are treated in the same way as lost tickets (see item 12).

11. Payout period

11.1 The prizes won in the relevant classes are payable from the second working day following the respective draw.

11.2 Any prizes not claimed by participants within three years of the last draw day of the relevant class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws. The method for calculating the period within which such funds are to be applied for the benefit of the participants and the amount of the funds to be allocated must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The use of such funds in accordance with their dedicated purpose is subject to annual review by an auditor. All unclaimed prizes must be used in accordance with their dedicated purpose within three years of having accrued.

12. Procedure in the event of the loss of a ticket

12.1 Gaming participants are required to notify the class lottery agency in writing without undue delay, but in any event before the end of the payout period, of any loss of tickets or safekeeping certificates. Doing so will preserve their right to a ticket with the same number and payout of the prize, unless the relevant ticket number for the next class or the prize, as the case may be, has already been surrendered to a person presenting the corresponding ticket before the loss was reported.

12.2 Any prizes won by a lost ticket are only paid out against presentation of a receipt signed by the person who reported the loss within the payout period. Legalisation of the signature on the receipt may be required.

13. Liability

13.1 The Company is not liable for any actions or omissions not provided for in, or contrary to these gaming terms committed by the class lottery agencies or their class lottery ticket offices or any entities contracted by them. This also applies to any liability for damage caused by criminal offences committed by third parties, force majeure or any other reasons for which the Company is not responsible.

13.2 The class lottery agencies and their class lottery ticket offices are only liable in the event of wilful intent and gross negligence.

13.3 Any complaints against the class lottery agencies must be addressed to the Company.

14. Final provisions

14.1 The Company and the class lottery agencies along with their class lottery ticket offices are bound to maintain game secrecy; in particular, the name of a gaming participant may only be disclosed with the gaming participant’s express consent.

14.2 The place of performance and the place of jurisdiction in the event of legal disputes is Vienna. Austrian law applies.

15. State regulation

Pursuant to section 19 of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, the class lottery is subject to state supervision.

198th class lottery – Super Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Super Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Super Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where € 100,000 is drawn daily from 13 May 2024 to 20 October 2024 and 7 x € 100,000 are drawn on 21 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Super Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 198th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Super Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Super Class is € 30,000,000. The payout ratio is 56% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Super Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery and who have paid the ticket price for the Super Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Super Class is € 120 for a full ticket, and thus € 60 for a half ticket and € 12 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 12 May 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in all draws of the Super Class. If the ticket price for the Super Class is paid after that date, but no later than on 29 September 2024, the gaming participant – provided that the ticket price for the corresponding class lottery ticket has also been paid – is eligible to play and win prizes as of the next Monday draw day (exception: if the ticket is bought between 13 May and 20 May 2024, the participant is eligible to play and win prizes as of the draw held on 21 May 2024). There is no right to claim any previous prizes already won by that ticket number in the Super Class. The Super Class is no longer open to new participants after 29 September 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Super Class and can win multiple times.

4.4 Transfers and payments that are insufficient to pay for all Super Class tickets or ticket shares played (purchased) are allocated in ascending numerical order of the tickets or ticket shares ordered (purchased) up to the last fully paid share in a ticket. Fractional amounts that cannot be allocated to any ticket shares are credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public after the Monday draws of the 198th class lottery for a calendar week in advance (exception: the prize of 20 May 2024 is drawn on 13 May 2024). All prizes are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers. The drawing procedure is governed by the drawing rules of the class lottery as made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Lists of winners

All prizes won in the Super Class are published at the end of each class together with the list of winners of the relevant class.

7. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Super Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery – Gold Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Gold Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Gold Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where 10 times gold worth € 100,000, 45 times gold worth € 50,000, and 2,000 times gold worth € 1,500 are drawn on each of 19 August 2024 and 21 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Gold Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 196th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Gold Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Gold Class is € 25,000,000. The payout ratio is 50% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Gold Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 4th classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Gold Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Gold Class is € 100 for a full ticket, and thus € 50 for a half ticket and € 10 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 18 August 2024, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Gold Class. The Gold Class is no longer open to new participants after 18 August 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Gold Class and can win a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 100,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 or a maximum of 1 x gold worth € 50,000 and 1 x gold worth € 1,500 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 196th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Gold Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes of gold worth € 100,000 and gold worth € 50,000 are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes of gold worth € 1,500 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes are paid out, at the winner’s option, in gold or in cash. Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. When claiming prizes in gold, the gaming participant receives, depending on the amount of the prize won, gold prizes in the form of 1 kg gold bars, 100 g gold bars, 1 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins or 1/25 ounce Vienna Philharmonic gold coins; the conversion rate used for the prize payout always corresponds to that of the highest gold prize that can be purchased. Any remaining portions of the prize that cannot be paid in the form of the stipulated gold prizes will be paid out to the gaming participant in cash or credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account.

The conversion rate is the sale price of the gold prize won as officially published by the Austrian Mint on the relevant draw day immediately before the start of the draw. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 4th class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Gold Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Gold Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

198th class lottery – Luxury Class

Unless otherwise stipulated for the Luxury Class, the gaming terms for the 198th class lottery apply.

1. Concept

The Luxury Class is an add-on class to the 198th class lottery where 3 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 80,000 times € 150 are drawn on 22 July 2024 and 7 times € 10,000 a month for a year and 30,000 times € 150 are drawn on 14 October 2024.

2. Ticket numbers

The ticket numbers are identical to those of the 198th class lottery (1 to 250,000). Tickets are issued either as full tickets (10 shares in a ticket number), half tickets (5 shares in a ticket number), tenth tickets (1 share in a ticket number) or multiple tenths. The individual shares in a ticket are distinguished by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Every gaming participant in the Luxury Class usually receives the same ticket number and ticket denomination with which they participate in the 198th class lottery. However, there is no right to be allocated that particular ticket number and ticket denomination in the Luxury Class.

3. Gaming capital, payout ratio

The gaming capital of the Luxury Class is € 37,500,000. The payout ratio is 47.2% of revenues.

4. Gaming contract, ticket price

4.1 The Luxury Class is open to all gaming participants who play the 198th class lottery continuously from the 1st to the 3rd classes and who have paid the ticket price for the Luxury Class pursuant to item 4.2.

4.2 The ticket price for the Luxury Class is € 150 for a full ticket, and thus € 75 for a half ticket and € 15 for a tenth ticket. If the ticket price is paid by 21 July 2023, the gaming participant is eligible to participate in the two draws of the Luxury Class. The Luxury Class is no longer open to new participants after 21 July 2024. If payment is made by bank transfer or deposit, the date when the payment is sent from the bank or post office is decisive. Any late payment of the ticket price is, at the gaming participant’s option, credited to the gaming participant’s ticket account or refunded to the gaming participant by the relevant class lottery agency.

4.3 All 250,000 tickets continuously participate in the Luxury Class and can win a maximum of 1 x € 10,000 a month for a year and 1 x € 150 on each draw day.

5. Draws

All draws are held publicly pursuant to section 16 (10) of the Gaming Act, Federal Law Gazette No 620/1989, as amended, under the supervision of a notary public on the days specified in the prize schedule after the Monday and Super Class draws of the 198th class lottery in the drawing room of Austrian Lotteries, Rennweg 44, 1030 Vienna. The prizes of the Luxury Class are drawn in descending order of value. Prizes worth € 10,000 a month for a year are determined by drawing six-digit ticket numbers, while prizes worth € 150 are determined by drawing three-digit end numbers.

The draws of the class lottery are governed by the drawing rules as amended and made known to the Federal Ministry of Finance.

6. Prize payout

Prizes in the amount of € 1,000.10 and over are only paid out upon presentation of valid official photo ID. The first partial payout of € 10,000 of the prize worth € 10,000 a month for a year is made on the second working day following the relevant draw day. The other eleven partial payouts of € 10,000 each are made on the second working day following the first working day of a month that falls on a Monday, starting with the month following the draw date. Full tickets receive the prize advertised in the prize schedule, while partial tickets receive the corresponding proportion of the relevant prize.

7. Lists of winners

The prizes won on the first draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 3rd class, and the prizes won on the second draw day of the Luxury Class will be published together with the list of winners for the 6th class.

8. Payout period

Any prizes not claimed by gaming participants within three years of the last draw day of the Luxury Class will be entirely used by the Company for the benefit of the participants in the Company’s draws.

For newcomers

Sign in

Conditions of participation

The competition is a promotion of HOHE BRÜCKE GmbH as the branch office of the Austrian Class Lottery.
Promotion valid from 06.09.2024 0:00 to 01.12.2024 23:59.
All customers who have reached the age of 18 and who have paid for the class tickets for at least the 1st class of the 199th lottery are eligible to participate.
40 1/1 ounce Golden Vienna Philharmonic coins will be raffled off.
The draw will take place on 06.12.2024, winners will be notified in writing depending on the method of dispatch.
Only one coin (1 piece 1/1 ounce of the Golden Vienna Philharmonic) will be raffled per customer.
No cash redemption possible.
The promotion is subject exclusively to Austrian law. Legal recourse is excluded.